100 BUSINESS WISDOM FROM THE GREATS THAT MAY CHANGE YOUR BUSINESS FOR GOOD – 47 of 100 The secret of success lies not in you doing your own work but recognizing the best person to do it. Andrew Carnegie.
Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men of his era. I have studied the man intensely and he had more wisdom than money; that’s saying something considering the huge size of his fortunes. A note was found in his drawer after his death and he said ‘I would spend half my life accumulating a lot of money and half of it giving it all away’. He was true to his words and gave away over 500million dollars; in today’s money would be more 300 billion dollars.
In business, the best skill for business leaders is finding talents and keeping them; you cannot grow a prosperous business without talented people with the culture that aligns with your vision. The quotes about recognizing the best person to do the job were more than 100 years ago but it is still relevant today with all the technology and globalization. There are a lot of tools you can use to find talents today that wasn’t around even a few years ago. In Ray Dalio’s book the ‘Principles’, he said the key to his multi-billion investment company was using a psychometric test to choose talents in his company and allocate responsibility to them based on their natural instinct and personality. I have been using a psychometric test to pick employees for more than 10 years and it has never failed me. I have also been helping my clients use it as a competitive advantage with impressive results. The first time I took this test myself, it was so uncannily accurate that I thought someone was standing behind my shoulder watching every move I have ever made in my life. This test would help you discover your own unique ability. What is your genius? The test would help you uncover it. Albert Einstein said, ‘if you ask a fish to climb a tree, the fish would think that it is stupid for the rest of its life’ This is the equivalent of people doing the job they are not suited, they would only achieve mediocrity no matter how they try. Imagine Obama was an accountant, he could have been a decent accountant but unlikely to have made the impact as a politician. Imagine Michael Jordan as a singer, he would have been singing in bars and subways. So, it’s never too late to uncover your unique ability and operate in that area. The starting point is self-awareness that you may get from taking a personality test so that you are clear without a doubt where your strength lies and go for it. If you are interested in doing the test and get help to interpret it then, feel free to book a time with me on https://calendly.com/